Friday, 6 February 2015

An Overdue Update

I'v been putting off writing this post, because it is quite a negative one and I don't like giving or sharing bad news.  You may have noticed that I've only posted once in the last two months.  It is because I have been unwell.  Throughout the second half of December there was a dramatic decline in my health, and it hasn't improved much since.  I was unable to go to any of my January exams and spent the majority of my Christmas holiday in bed, in a lot of pain.  I don't usually get severe pain with my M.E. so I knew something was very wrong with me.

I went back to uni one week later than planned, and stayed for three weeks.  During that time I didn't manage to get any work done, and only attended one lab session on campus.  I am now back at home.   Although my leg pain has largely subsided, I am still very unwell and mostly unable to leave the house.

Yesterday the paperwork went through for me to become a part time student.  But I don't think that this will be enough.  I need total rest, I can't even get up and down stairs more than twice a day at the moment.  I'm certainly not well enough to attend/catch up on one lecture a day.  (Which is what I would need to do, to keep up with and catch up on all of my lectures.)

Anyway I just thought I would keep you all updated, I didn't want to write any other posts before explaining the changes that have occurred.


  1. Oh Jenny, I am so so sorry to hear you have not been doing so well. I really hope you start to feel a little better soon. You have so much respect from me for trying to not let ME get in the way of your education, but sometimes ME is stubborn and doesn't think of anyone else. Sending so much love and healing vibes xxx

    1. Thanks so much Hayley, it's a pain isn't it! xxx

  2. Well done for posting this, that took a lot of courage. It really is a tough situation and decision, one I wish you didn't need to make, but I hope this can be something you feel at peace about. As I've said before I think you're incredible for getting this far, I know it's been a huge challenge, but you have done amazingly if you think of all you've done! So proud of you. Lots of love xxx

    1. Thanks Sarah! I suppose I sort of feel like I threw it all away. But I didn't, I did the best that I could with what I had. I did achieve a lot! I'll have more time to spend with you now! Thanks for the support! xxx

  3. Oh Jenny I'm so so sorry to hear you're having such a difficult time :( I really feel for you and feel so sad for you that this has happened whilst you're trying to get through University. Looking after yourself has to be the top priority, but I really hope you're able to find a way to continue with your studies <3 Thinking of you and sending a million gentle hugs, lots of love xxxx

    1. Thank you Holly. I'm just taking my time and getting some TLC at home. Luckily my parents are really understanding and are looking after me lots! :) Hop your getting on okay at the moment spoonies have got to stick together! xxx

  4. Sorry to hear you're having a rough time at the moment! :( You did great to still go back to uni, I'd be proud of that even if I didn't manage to get any work done! Sending my best wishes, hoping things pick up for you soon XX

  5. Thanks Katie, I hope you decide to start your podcasts. It sounds like a really good idea! XX

  6. So sorry to read that you've been having such a tough time

  7. Hey Anna, Somehow this has brought out my fighting spirit, and I'm just focusing all of my energy and time (which there is very little) on blogging and social media. It's keeping me going, I am very lucky to have the online spoonie community around me. Hope you are ok! Spoonie love <3

  8. Hey there Jenny,
    (I meant to comment yesterday but couldn't log in for some reason!)
    Sorry to hear you've been so poorly recently and also that you've had to change to part-time study.
    As someone who has been there (and most importantly made it out the other end) I know how tough this change can be. My hope for you is that as the weeks and months go by, your reduced time table and reduced pressures will help your body stabilize a little and that you'll find a more manageable routine.
    There will likely be some tough moments ahead, but overall, things were much better and easier for me once I was able to do things at my own pace. And just remember, you WILL get there in the end.
    Very best wishes xxxxxx

  9. Hi Fran, I only got disqus yesterday, so it might have been whilst it was still loading/formatting what ever the the correct terminology is! I have actually had to leave university, this doesn't mean that I can't go back in the future. I'm asking to 'interrupt' my studies, which means that they sort of freeze your degree in time, and you can go back to it the same time next year. Sorry for not making it very clear in the post ^^ above. When I wrote it I was actually unsure what the outcome would be, I was half hoping that my energy would pick up again soon and I would be able to catch up on the missed lectures, and start attending the university campus again. But it evidently became clear that I would not be well enough to manage part time. I've been in limbo for a few days, but on monday morning we are going formally apply for an interruption. I've been at home for nearly two weeks now, and I'm already feeling better than I was back at university. But I know it will be a long road ahead, one that I have trodden before - at least this time I know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Thank you for your continued support, I enjoyed chatting to you today. xxxx

  10. Hi Jenny,

    I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well, I hope things have started to get a bit better for you. I hope by going part-time for your studies you start to find a bit of relief. Sending lots of spoons your way!

    Lennae xxx

  11. Hi Lennae, thanks for our kind words. Unfortunately I think I'm going to have to leave university. I've been resting at home and am feeling a little better, but I haven't been able to do any work. Jenny xx

  12. So sorry to read you are struggling with your health at the moment. You sound very sensible about it though by listening to your body and I have my fingers crossed that with a few weeks rest you will be able to make a part-time return to your studies. Take care


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