I would love to hear from you if you have any questions about my blog, or if you would like to collaborate. My email address is jennyhelenemail@gmail.com
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Bloglovin': Jenny Helen, my spoonie life
Google+: Jenny Helen
Instagam: @jennyhelen_
Twitter: @jennyhelenblog
I look forward to hearing from you!
You can also find me at:
Bloglovin': Jenny Helen, my spoonie life
Google+: Jenny Helen
Instagam: @jennyhelen_
Twitter: @jennyhelenblog
I look forward to hearing from you!
I love your Sirdar 9673 cardigan. I tried to get the pattern, but it says it is out of print. Do you know if it is legal for you to pass it on? I cant believe that was your first knit project. it is beautiful. I also have a disease (EDS) that limits what I do and knitting has saved me. Nancy G.