Saturday, 15 November 2014

My new pets!

Since I learned to knit I have been making things for Operation Christmas Child.  One of my favourite things to make are these elephant hand puppets!

The pattern is no longer available, otherwise I would link it but I got it from the Operation Christmas Child website, so it might appear on there sometime again.

They are so fun to make due to the way the pattern was designed, the bottom part is knitted in the round, then when you increase for the arms, the font and back are knitted on straight needles.  The trunk is knit separately, but the way it is integrated is so clever (with six or seven stitches kept live that are then knitted into the face).

I love adding the eyes, as it brings them to life, and gives them a little character! :)

Knitting for Operation Christmas Child is ideal for beginners as the projects are small but still interesting.  Knitting is my ideal spoonie friendly activity.

I've made two ore of these, but they have already been sent off.  The deadline for sending off shoe boxes is almost here, you can now track your shoebox to see where it ends up, which is quite exciting!

What do you do for fun?


  1. These are so cute! What a lovely thing to be doing Jenny. I've not tried knitting since I was in primary school but would love to give it a little whirl. I find making jewellery is a great low energy activity.I'm sure these little elephants will make some children very happy :)
    Freckles & All

    1. Thnaks Faye, sorry it's taken me so log to reply to you! Your jewellery making looks really good! It must be so therapeutic, and great to have a little business! :) Hope your ding well at the moment! <3 x


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